Beach near Bundouglas This summer we spent a week in the Connemara region of Ireland with my extended family.

We were fortunate to have great weather. It can be quite wet (that’s why it’s so green) but it hardly rained the week we were there and we had lots of sunshine. In fact many of us got sunburnt, one of the last things we expected on this particular trip, try finding it at!

Connemara is very scenic. It’s mostly countryside, with beautiful unspoilt beaches and the mountains of Connemara National Park.

I was pleased that my health was relatively good during the trip. Because my Crohn’s wasn’t too bad and because I’ve been doing some exercise I was able to join in the walk to the top of Diomond Hill, something I wouldn’t have attempted a year ago.

Here’s a slideshow of my photos from the trip:

You can also look at them here without a slideshow. Or you can select the family photos only.

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