For whatever reason I was seeing if I could get some insight into the word used often for God in the Old Testament i.e. LORD or Jehovah or YAHWEH iei YHWH.

What I’ve been told is that YHWH literally means “I am”. That there is some reason YHWH doesn’t want to give an actual name.

It’s clear from the ten commandments that God didn’t want people to have any mental pictures of ‘God’ because those would lead people astray. His camera would always be off in zoom and if you wanted to get close to him he’d turn around so you couldn’t see who he was. He’d use a men in black memory eraser if you did happen to see him. It’s extremely clear in the OT that God wanted noone to see his face or get much of a clue about what his name might be.

Well, sadly I think when Moses came down the mountain from writing down the commandments God gave him, when the paint was barely dry on them, he found his people praising a cow of all things. Seriously Israelites??? You could at least have chosen a person to revere. It adds insult to injury that they decided a creature could rule over them who couldn’t even talk. Well, Israelites, have fun understanding what your cow-god wants to tell you to do! “Hmmm, was that one moo or two? How many tosses of the head?” If the Jews were off-track by the time Jesus showed up, I can see why.

Anyway so by looking up some stuff which I can’t describe (and quite honestly would rather not while I’m on ‘manic watch’ ie under a microsope looking for signs I’m doing anything untoward) – by looking up some stuff I came to think YHWH actually is “Yes! Way (to go)!” – ie long before facebook was set up, God was giving out thumbs ups. To anyone who asks, I believe.

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