Ben’s school team came first in the ICTM regional event a few weeks ago. That means they’ll be going on to participate in the state finals in May.

Ben went to the tryouts for ARML last week. He got a high score and made their A-B team. One of his friends was on the ARML A-B team last year and spoke very highly of the experience so he was keen to participate this year. He considered it last year but I discouraged him because the practices are quite a long drive from here.

The school musical Beauty and the Beast opened this weekend. Ben volunteered to play in the pit orchestra this year (this is the first time he participated in the musical). He was too sick to be there for opening night Saturday but he made it for the performance yesterday. We went to watch. It was an outstanding performance. The auditorium was almost full – that was great to see, after all the hard work the participants have put in.

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